The art of fine leather goods begins with in-depth knowledge of materials and develops through research and experimentation, culminating in original results. Thanks to its ability in these areas, Effebi has evolved to produce luxury bags, devoting care and attention to detail at every stage of construction.
The creation of a bag involves the assembly of a minimum of 70-100 pieces, an intricate 3-D puzzle that requires expertise and skill to piece together. This know-how has been handed down through the generations.
Throughout its history, the company has managed the various production stages required to create finished products either entirely or partly in-house. On occasion, it has produced bags under its own label or brand, working in tandem with the client from the prototyping stage through to delivery of the finished product.
From the sampling stage to the industrialization process, every collection undergoes stringent quality control testing before packaging and shipping. These latter operations are organized in a dedicated logistics plant.